Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Bliss List

I have decided to make a  list... it is really a pledge. A pledge I am making to myself, with myself about living a live of Bliss, living a Blissful life. As part of that I am making a Bliss List... rather than a Bucket List. I want to focus on life rather than death.

Here are first of many entries on my Bliss List...many more to come, both big and small. 

The Bliss List

1. Love myself everyday! I am going to do something special, big or small, for myself every single day. I want to make myself feel special so that I can spread that feeling of feeling special to others.

2. I will kiss my kids everyday and tell them and all the over people in my life that I love them.


  1. What a wonderful idea... I want to do something similar on my blog . It is so important to remember to love ourselves everyday- like you said, focus on life not death. We only get one! I don't have kids yet but I can certainly tell my family and people in my life how much they mean to me while I still have them . Life is precious.

  2. thanks for the comment Megan. It is really important to be grateful for all the good things in our lives and learn to find our own bliss

  3. I love the Bliss List! Have you thought of joining Grace in Small Things? It's very much along the same idea.


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